09 Feb 2013

TELUBEE 1.0 (TELexistence platform for Ubiquitous Embodied Experience)

We introduce a novel interface where a user can connect with a remote avatar-like robot among ubiquitously distributed multiple robots around the world and experience the distant world as if he is remotely existing there.

The system “TELUBee” includes distributed small-scaled telexistence robots; and a graphical user interface with a world map for selecting the desired geolocation where you want to experience. By wearing a HMD, user can see 3D stereoscopic remote view and is able to interact with remote participants using binaural audio communication. Remote Robots head motion is synchronized with the user’s head and the combination of audio/visual sensation he would experience allows him to feel the same kinesthetic sensation as would be physically there. The robots are small, low cost and portable battery powered. Hence it can be used in anywhere where a Internet connection is present.

“TELUBee” user interface can be a gateway to travel between many places around the world without spending much time and will be useful for sightseeing, attending remote meetings and have face-to-face conversations etc. . .



International Conferences

  • Laval Virtual Revolution 2013

Domestic Conferences

  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 第17回大会
  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会


  • Invited Demonstration at Laval Virtual Revolution 2013

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